We offer three programmes of work which are most effective as a three-stage approach to business transformation but which can be used in isolation.
We work with organisations to help create vision and mission statements and plans that are grounded in reality while being aspirational for a sustainable future for everyone involved and impacted.
Learn moreThis is our people development programme that incorporates one-one leadership development coaching and mentoring plus building teams, succession planning and whole organisational development.
Learn moreWhen you're ready to make a major change in your organisation, we provide the tools and guidance to overcome the inevitable roadblocks and to keep your people engaged with your vision.
Learn moreWe work at leadership level in any organisation. This includes board-level strategic planning and operational on-the-ground work with team or division leaders for developing understanding of the challenges and embedding the solutions.
Our approach is very much holistic; we look at you and your organisation in the round. In fact we go further; we look at you, your organisation and your wider community in the context of your operating environment.
Using an engineer's toolbox alongside an imaginative mindset to create a vision of the future that is not only transformative but is ambitious and deliverable.
If vision is to be delivered it needs to become real, in other words it must become an integral part of who we are and how we work – not just a poster on the wall!
Our approach is to ensure that there is a clear line of sight between budgets (and resource plans) and the vision itself, clear line of sight both ways. This is not traditional budgeting, but a 21st century way to fully embed the vision into the budget, giving a budget that has clarity and a vision with certainty.
Our founder's unique skillset and experience means he has an exceptional track record in delivering tangible results that are embedded deeply within an organisational culture. We look at your entire organisation as a holistic entity and we understand what you need and the challenges you face getting to the outcomes you want. We have a proven history of delivering significant commercial and cultural change results that impact positively on those within and without the organisation. Read some of our testimonials.